Quality car selection
over 400 vehicles in
stock every day
At our location on Broadway Avenue you can find over 400 vehicles including any of the following makes: Acura, Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Infiniti, Jaguar, Land Rover, Mercedes Benz, Volvo, and much more
Trade or sell
we want to buy your car
If you are ready to buy a new car, sell the old one to us. We will try to offer you more money than any dealer. You can have the cash within 30 minutes and the Paperwork is on US!
Fair friendly service
customer service is our top priority
at north coast auto mall, we strive to give our customers the best customer service. your vehicle shopping expeience should be a pleasant one- and that is our number one goal here!
No Credit? Bad Credit?
North Coast Auto Mall offers In-House...read more -
Flexible Financing
We offer financing through several reputable...read more -
We Buy Cars
If you need money today, call...read more -
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North Coast Auto Mall
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- Aug 08, 2012 Tips on Buying a Used Car: College Edition
- Jul 07, 2012 Flexible Financing – No Matter Your Credit Score
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